Friday, August 15, 2008


I arrived in Tuxpan sometime between 3 and 4 (pm) on wed the 13th of august. The ride was somewhat uneventfull (once I got on the bus). I am the biggest worrier - I have never been really stranded, so why do I worry so much? Its no wonder I have high blood pressure. But alas I worried again today. We arrived in Poza Rica and the driver said we had 1/2 hr (shit, as I am only 40 min. from Tuxpan) but he makes us get off the bus and then holy fuck, the doors close and he takes off - so here I am with my debit cards, passport, some cash and nothing else. My laptop, cameras, gifts, clothes, etc. in the bus. I tried to tell myself, 'calm yourself you lunatic' - gas, etc., he will be back duh. But worry I did - and, yeah - he pulled back up in the exact same spot.

(The view from the street of my hotel)

I got off the bus and headed straight for the taxi queue and went to my hotel (Hotel Posada San Ignacio (25 P taxi). Loney planet gave it a decent review as a budget place and when the driver pulled up I thought to myself, shit - what a dump. And then as I looked past the front I thought this could be good - it is awsome (200 P).

(the view entering the doorway - see picture above)

(the view in the courtyard)

I immediately dumped my packpack and asked how to get to the museum (I had to go across the river - and there was supposed to be lanchas) and was there lanchas - she told me how to get there, well cross the river and go right. I asked what the price was for the lanch 'for a gringo' and they thought that was funny - but 3 P. It was extremely easy to cross the river and then I headed right but I was unsure where to go. A guy was coming down the dirt road on his motorcycle (slowly) so I flagged him down (understand this is on the edge of a small town - not in the country) and asked him how to get to the museum and he started to tell me and I started to say something and he told me to hop on and he drove me there (maybe 4 blocks with 2 turns) - I am siempre astounded by the friendliness of people in latin america - we (US) could take some lessons.

note: Castro, Che and his group (82 in total I think) left for from this town (in an overcrowed boat - damn near didn't make it to Cuba) to begin the revolution - well restart it (Castro had already begun before and spent several years in Prison0 - and the museum is the house that Castro (and others ?) stayed in. The name of the museum is 'Museo de la Amistad Mexico - Cuba'. It was nothing special, but given my interest it was special.

I have decided tomorrow to go to the beach and leave my backpack here. The guy in the office said that thursday shouldn't be a problem finding a room and they could store my pack. Then I will stay one more night here and head north. The beach is supposed to be nothing special but clean and free of tourists (until the weekend). I have seen nobody that looks like a foreigner here. It is 12 km from town.

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