Saturday, August 9, 2008


The pictures are from the border crossing.

I bought a ticket in Flores to go to Palenque for 260 Q. Expensive but included the ride to the border, boat ride down the river and ride to Palenque. Sure it was doable without using an agency but it would've been alot of switching of microbuses. Ito took the advanture out of it but its OK.

Left at about 5:30 am, even though it was supposed to leave by 5 (anal me was ready at 4:30). Arrived in Palenque at 1 pm guate time, but because of daylight savings time was 2. The boat ride was at least 1/2 hour but was interesting.

Staying at Hotel Regional for 180 Pesos (near as I figure the exchange rate is about 10 pesos to the dollar - not sure exactly but assuming I bought my Quetzals for 7.45/dollar then I got pesos at the border for 8.88 pesos/dollar by changing 300 Q - not wise but I hated being w/o pesos or small US bills.

Not much else new or exciting.

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