Friday, July 3, 2009

Thursday 2 July

Thursday afternoon 4:15 pm local

Well I tried to avoid the inevitable and deny the obvious. I can’t continue on this road, it’s closed. I traded my ticket in (again) and went to a different company and bought a ticket to Mexico City. Doesn’t make me happy. I’ll get into Mexico City (Norte) around 7 in the morning. My ticket was 860P – ouch. I will then try and catch a bus to Oaxaca. I believe unfortunately I’ll have to go to a different bus station. There are busses from Norte but not near as many as from TAPO. Shit.

Had an interesting day. Talked to a waiter for quite a while – hard to believe all he said. He spoke perfect (almost) English.

1) was raised in Seattle
2) was legal
3) Got a DUI – getting in trouble for legal residents is not a good thing
4) Got stopped “for nothing” – this is where it gets interesting
5) Cops planted a gun - hmm
6) Ran
7) Got caught in California
8) Did 12 years (of a 16 year sentence) – something just doesn’t ring true – that many years for possession of a gun – forget about the “planting”
9) Upon release was deported

He was a really likable well spoken guy. He said when you are deported (from prison not just being an illegal) that they fly you to Southern California (1 plane chock full of soon to be free convicts) and then take you to the border at 2 am. He said you are released with the money that you have saved while in prison (he made $130/month) and that he had saved $800+. If you had no money they would give you $10. We talked about sports, life here, etc. Like I said, he was a likable guy – I just don’t believe that he got railroaded to prison. The conversation which was steered toward his history was actually started by me – you speak great English, where did you learn it, and after he said he was raised in Seattle then I asked him how he ended up down here which then prompted the story. So it’s not like he just started telling me this wild story. Will never know the fact from fiction.

I also met my other bullshitting friend today. We talked a bit over a beer.

Well I now have 3 more hours to kill. My bus is de paso which means who knows if it will get here on time – not that they are usually real late, but they are normally a tad late which means I worry.

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