Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Where have all the children gone?

I left Manitowoc after a run at a bit after 8am and am now in Ripon and I just finished eating lunch. I took the back roads (more or less) until I got to Fond du lac. It was drizzly on and off but I have seen a total of 5 kids since I left. 1 near Potter, 1 in Fondy and 3 outside of a house a few miles before Fondy. In Fondy it was sunny and nice, granted I was on 23 but when I looked down side streets nothing. I can't believe kids are still in school so it leaves only 1 other option - they are in the house - parents kick those kids outside and let them play sans electronics. For gods sake its summer out!

Any guesses where this might be?

Well for those of you ignorant of such things this was in Rosendale.

I ate lunch at Dos Gringos and it cost $11 (no beer) for a burger, fries and coffee - ouch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Rog, Let me know if you go up 12. Also look up the house at 5th and union. It used to be really cool but we were the first renters. If it is still there it is probably a dive by now. Also ask if they ever rebuilt the camaraderie? Don