Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I always buy bracelets here in Pana to give to my students. I buy the majority of them from Candelarias mother. She has been charging me 2Q per bracelet. I often wondered about the price but the kids on the street sell them for 2 for 5Q (of course I don't bargain much). Today I walked to San Antonio Polopo and found they were selling them for 12 for 5Q (without any barganing).

Candelarias Mom - $.263 each
San Antonio - $.072 each

I'm not a cheap bastard so I'm not complaining here, I have always bought them with the thought that I am helping Candelaria's family without 'giving' them money; but I was surprised at the difference. Of course Candelaria's moms price is inline with everyone else in Pana. Maybe 6 miles away is a world away.

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